Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Back on the West Coast

Got back to Seattle last night. I was on a surprisingly comfortable and on time USAir flight. I had a window seat, but the seats actually had some room between rows so it wasn't horrible. It was a nonstop which was fantastic...I wish we could always get those. Makes the trip so much quicker. It was only about 5 hours or so from takeoff to landing.

It was so good to be home and see the man and the the beagles. I loved visiting the family, but it is so nice to come home and enjoy the much cooler weather and the peace and quiet :-). Even our corner homeless guy worked late last night so I got to see him too.

I started back to work today...I got a new place to sit, a little work cube all my own. I also had a paycheck waiting for me. Yippee!! I haven't had a paycheck in over a year. I worked a little longer then 6 hours today, then I came home and spent the next 4 hours cleaning. The house smells so nice and clean now. I've been trying to figure out how to get some of the doggie smells out of the oriental rug. Today I tried baking soda, vinegar, mild soap, chili pepper, and italian seasoning. I think maybe I made it smell like something the dogs would like to eat now.

I got to see some old coworkers while I was back in PA. It was really nice getting to talk to them again and hear all the gossip. You miss that so much when you move away from it all. One of my friends said he's going back to Paris in the fall (for the 3rd time) and wants to buy an apartment there this time. I am so utterly jealous....but good for him. Hey, if by any chance he's reading this....can I get a cheap rent out of this deal??

Going out for Indian tonight...mmmmmm, butter chicken...