Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Jus' Chillin

It's been a quiet week at beaglehaus. The most exciting thing that's happened this week is that the man bought himself a new toy to replace the one stolen by FREAKIN' HOLLAND AMERICA!!!

Ahem. Anyways, it's a kickass machine, I think. Drool over it here if you wish. Insurance money will pay for some of it, but we'll be kicking in quite a bit too. Hopefully this one will last a while. So now, I officially have the oldest, slowest, smallest laptop in the house. However, mine is a Dell, so it's a horse and works hard for me. I love it just as much as the day I got it :=)

The AlphaFemale has been a bit weird lately. She's had periods of intense hyperactivity where she is obsessed with eating grass and bundles of hair from the corners (gross, I know, but with two beagles it's hard to keep up), and licking the carpet frantically. We can't figure out if she's sick or just outrageously hungry because we've put both dogs on a diet and Zac might be eating all the food before she gets to it. Anyone ever experience this with a dog? What's up?

Just found out Spoon is going to be at Bumbershoot this year. As well as Blondie, Steve Miller band, and Kanye West. Yay! Aren't you people that don't live in Seattle jealous?

Gotta go catch Project Runway...I'm hoping we see the last of that fashion hack Vincent. He sucks.