Monday, August 14, 2006

We've been busy

The older child and I went to the Renaissance Faire on Saturday at Gig Harbor. We were very was much smaller than the PA Ren Faire. Mostly it was just a collection of tents in a field, no permanent structures. Okay, I can forgive that. There was no ATM machine though, and that was a problem because neither of us had brought any cash and the food vendors did not take credit cards. Okay, that was our fault. What was really disappointing though was that the "actors" were not really in character...sure, they dressed the part, but we saw them with cell phones and walkie talkies, heard them use phrases like "right on", and "what do we call you people again? Oh yeah, squires", and they didn't attempt any type of accent to make you feel like you were actually in England. We didn't stay very long, and were very jealous of the younger child who was on that same day attending a class act Ren Faire in Pennsylvania.

Later Saturday night we attended an outdoor showing of Grease in West Seattle. It was free, with popcorn provided, and we had a good time at that. So the day wasn't a total loss after all :-)

Late, late Saturday night I joined the man at a birthday gathering for one of his coworkers. I didn't get there until almost 12:30 am so most of the partiers had either already left or were ready to call it a night. We went to the Starlight lounge for one more nightcap and a round of pierced nipples (which were quite yummy) and then called it a night.

Sunday the man and I went to Vancouver to visit the Capilano Suspension Bridge. It took much longer to get there than we anticipated, because the border crossing took about 40 minutes, then we almost immediately ran into a traffic jam. It was a really beautiful day though, and once we got to the bridge, we really enjoyed it. Took lots of pictures, which are posted in the gallery for your viewing pleasure. We got home around 9, just in time for Deadwood. It was a lovely day, and it was good to have the man to myself for a few hours after this last week of crunch time.

Last thing...the beagles suggest a new linky link. For those interested in the ever fascinating world of Ripken (my quite adorable nephew), you'll want to check out The Neibert Diaries.


Kristin said...

Dude, I'm so jealous about all your adventures! Sounds like so much fun!

Looking forward to your visit in November.
