Monday, August 28, 2006


I haven't posted for a while because I was really hoping to have good news on a house that we found...but it turns out that our landlords won't let us OUT OF OUR FREAKING LEASE! Pardon me, but I have The Rage. So this weekend was spent touring the house, procuring approval letters from financing, and then our hopes were dashed because we're RENTERS and we have NO RIGHTS.

But then, today Jay's brake light came on, so he'll need new brakes, so maybe it's a silver lining that we didn't get the house, 'cause it was price-eee.

We went to Kelsey's school today to meet with her counselor, because she didn't have a third period class scheduled. They had nuthin'. All electives, taken. And they do some kind of block class thing in the afternoon, so there's no switching those classes around because then it would completely mess up her whole schedule. It turns out that they do have a "TA" (teacher's assistant) position available third period. So Kelsey will be spending third period of the first semester working in the attendance office. Which I think is pretty cool actually. And her school is awesome. They just rebuilt the whole thing, this is the first year they're reopened. It's really, really nice. Here's a few pictures of the new theater, the 3 story library, the football field, the gym, and the student commons:


The oldest child has jumped on the blogging bandwagon...linky link here and to the right, 21 and Invincible. The blogs, they just keep coming.

Jay has these two days off, comp time, for working so hard during crunch period. You'd think he'd have dinner ready for me when I get home from work. You'd think...but you would be wrong. Ahhh..I love him anyway.

Kelsey back tomorrow night. Yippeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!


Kristin said...

Totally awesome school! Maybe I can be a teacher's assistant too.

nanny joan said...

Wow - what a school. I would love to see some pictures of Squirt on that basketball court. Could it possibly happen Kelsey? I bet you would be so good.