Saturday, July 22, 2006

Feelin' Hot, Hot, Hot

The young one and I are in PA right now. Oh my god, is it ever hot here. I almost forgot how the Pennsylvania summers are..temps near 100 with almost as much humidity. Just walking outside makes you sweat. Although I hear that Seattle is nearing 90 degrees this weekend, so it's almost as bad there.

It's good to see the family again. Even though they're all pretty crazy (and I do include myself in that), it's nice to be around so many people that you love. I miss that in Seattle. I'm here for about 2 weeks, and tomorrow we leave for the beach. East Coast beaches are so much better than Washington state beaches. We're only going for a couple of nights, I wish it was longer...but I'll get to see my other cousin there who is coming down from New York to meet us there, so that will be cool.

I miss J and the beagles very much. He sent me a bunch of pics yesterday, which helped a bit, but I still miss them.

In Big Brother news, looks like James is HOH this week. Mom lurves James so she was pretty happy. We are cautiously optimistic...we don't really trust James, but better him than some of the other non-S6 group. Can you believe Mom doesn't like Howie or Janelle? What?? How can you like James and not like Howie or Janelle? She's insane.

You can't get a mojito in Harrisburg anywhere except Charlie Brown's...but they make a pretty good one, so if you're in town, go there.