Thursday, July 13, 2006

Prostitution and choking on the chicken

People in this town seem to love bumper stickers. Some cars are absolutely covered with them...kind of like a driving billboard. Today on the way home from the gym I passed an old beat up Honda with a bumper sticker that said "Never wear panties to a party" and right next to it was another that declared "Legalize Prostitution". Guess we know what this gal is up to.

What up Kaysar?? Our favorite Iraqi is HOH on Big Brother All Stars this week. Even though the Chenbot tried to get that boring Daughter of the Moon in there instead. Good thing they actually show these competitions, or who knows what kind of shenanigans Julie would pull?

I think the older child has some serious problems with her throat. She can't eat a freakin' piece of chicken without it getting stuck somewhere on the way down. I believe she needs her esophagus stretched out like her grandpa used to do. Maybe then it wouldn't take her 2 hours to eat dinner :-)

The younger child announced this week that she's going to be a general surgeon. Thank you Grey's Anatomy.