Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Biggest Beagle

We went to Beaglefest 2006 yesterday. It was a beautiful day to be surrounded by dozens of beagles. We weren't there 10 minutes when they announced the contests for Smallest Beagle and Biggest Beagle. YES!

Smallest Beagle was first...there were 3 major contenders. Nobody had a tape measure, so "guess a number" was used as a tie breaker. Then it was time for the Biggest Beagle contest. Of course, it was no contest at all. Zac was far and away the largest beagle there. The other beagles were so intimidated that they didn't even come up for the judging. He was awarded a container of treats, and a certificate.


Beaglefest was awesome, and the dogs had a great time. Even Trixie, who seemed much more social when surrounded by those of her own kind rather than the strange beasties she sees at the dog park. Pictures don't do it justice, but maybe can help you imagine what it's like to have so many beagles in one place.

beagles beagles beagles