Sunday, May 17, 2009

Owww, my foot!

This weekend was picture perfect, weather wise. It was sunny and warm on Saturday, so Jay and I walked down to Greenlake for Week 3 Day 3 of the C25K, where we competed with about 1000 other people for space on the jogging path. Then we decided to take advantage of the nice weather to work on the backyard. Off to Home Depot, where we got bags and bags of sand and stones and yard stuff, home to weed and spread paper and tarp and sand and stones, clip hedges, cut grass, and all other manner of yard maintenance. We were totally wiped by the time we finished, and both fell asleep on the couch by 9:30.

Woke up fairly early today and actually didn't feel that badly. Just a bit of a headache but that was it. Jason had a soccer game at 2 so I grabbed my physics book and some trashy magazines and we headed back to Greenlake for the game. He played great! I was really impressed with his skill considering it's been a while since he played...but then he twisted his foot in the second half and had to be benched.

I drove him home, since his foot was hurting so bad. We are debating whether or not to go to the doctor tomorrow to see if it's broken. We don't THINK it's broken because it's not really swollen or discolored, but he can't put a lot weight on it. I propped him up on the couch with some frozen veggies on the foot while I went to the grocery store, and then fired up the grill for the first time this season for hot dogs and brats. He's playing Fallout right now, and we're hoping that by tomorrow he's feeling much better :-). Too bad, he was doing really well at the game. Final score: 1-1.