Monday, May 11, 2009

Abdomens and such

I've been working on abdomens the last week. The plan at work was to get proficient in abdomens by doing all the abdomens I can do in one week, then the next week I'll move on to pelvic exams, and then for the last 5 weeks at the clinic I'll do as many OBs as I can to prepare for my next rotation.

I think this was a good plan. I have probably done about 6 - 8 abdomen or renal exams a day for the last week, and I even went in this morning on my "day off" to do 5 of them that were scheduled today. I felt pretty good about my progress by the time I left today.

Came home and went for my Week 3 Day 1 run. Today was two repetitions of run 90 secs/walk 90 secs/run 3 minutes/walk 3 minutes. I didn't think I was going to have any problems with it because I knew I could run 3 minutes (did it on Saturday) but I didn't go to Greenlake and I didn't go to the Roosevelt track, I just ran around the neighborhood. My biggest worry was that I would wind up running in a pretty small circle but it actually worked out very well, and I finished up with no problem. I have no worries that this week will go just fine. Apparently it's week 4 that people have the most problems with, as it is alternating 5 minute and 8 minute runs with 90 second walking breaks in between. It seems like a pretty big jump to go from 3 minutes this week to 8 minutes next week. Seems like there should just be alternating 5 minute runs - but I didn't design this program, somebody else did, and if it takes me a few weeks to get through it, so be it.

Came home and had a lovely bath, and then made dinner which I don't do nearly enough of since clinicals. I also worked on my presentation for CCD day on Friday. It was a fairly productive day overall, and that's a good thing.


nanny joan said...

good luck with your presentation tomorrow. I got clearance from the back doctor today to begin some PT - just have to find time to schedule it. 3x/wk for 4-6 weeks. I just want to build up my stamina and strength.

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