Monday, May 25, 2009

Let the sun shine

What a gorgeous three day weekend we've had! Saturday I got up early and did my run, then I cut the grass and depooped the back yard. When Jason got up we took the dogs for a walk at Golden Gardens beach, and then took the kids to Agua Verde for late lunch/early dinner. We sat by the water and enjoyed the warmth.

Yesterday we went back to Golden Gardens for a picnic. It was so nice out, and so relaxing to just lay on the beach by the water enjoying hot dogs and burgers and all the stuff that goes with it. Megan came for a while as did Kelsey and Ayla and Natan, and Simon showed up too so we had a nice little group. We stayed about 5 hours, and the sun had really wiped us out by then. We went to bed rather early which was a good thing because the guy I had hired to edge the sidewalks showed up at 7:45 this morning! That got me out of bed, so I went for my Week 5 Day 1 run today. This was run 5 minutes, walk 3, run 5, walk 3, and run 5. I made it through that just fine, and came home in time to find the edging done and the guy trying to get me to pay him $300 to weed the front flower beds. I decided I could save $300 and not be so freakin' lazy and do it myself.

So Jay and I weeded and trimmed hedges and got the yard looking all purdy and now we're going to shower and head down to the nursery on 85th street to look for yard ornaments. I'm partial to the big iron rooster, but I think that will take some persuasion on Jason's part :-)

I hope everyone else had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and let's all take a moment to think about all of those that have served our country.


nanny joan said...

souds like a great holiday week-end It is so nice when the weather cooperates. It did here all week-end too but I cleaned house all day Sunday and went to the Gap with Kris and Kassidy to see Papa and Granddad - then we had lunch at Olive Garden and a little shopping at Kohl/s I really needed some summer duds and sandles. Today was my last iron infusion ( I hope) I hate the Medical Center and I especially hate being hooked up to that IV and being kept there for 3-3-1/2 hrs. Tomorrow I start PT to get some strength in the old muscles so I can walk all over Seattle when I come.