Saturday, May 09, 2009

It's the same old, same old....

Not much new to report. Things here are just chugging along like always. I'm still in clinicals (although the end is definitely in sight now!) and busy as anything. The clinic is so much different than the hospital and both have pros and cons. The clinic gets only relatively healthy people who can mostly walk in on their own, but boy are they busy! It's all about time constraints and getting things done and there's barely time to go to the bathroom most days. I can't decide which I like better right now. I'm glad to be going to neonatal next month so I'll have another experience (all babies with this one) to help me decide where I would really like to work. Of course, I'll be lucky to get any job offer so I can't be too picky.

Megan is working her butt off recently at Zeek's and making tons of dough. Both kinds (pizza shop pun). We barely see her anymore especially since the weather is starting to get nice. When she's not working she's out with her social crew.

Kelsey is doing pretty well with her college course at North Seattle Community College. There is a lot of writing involved in this course which was never her favorite thing to do but she's holding her own with the older kids and we're proud of her.

Jason and I went to Greenlake today and completed Week 2 Day 3 of the Couch to 5k program I'm working on. The idea is that you are supposed to be able to run a 5k in 9 weeks by doing a combination of running/walking and gradually working your way up to running the whole way. I started 2 weeks ago, and I'll be on day 1 of Week 3 next week. I run pretty slow though....I think the C25k people call it "wogging". Not quite walking, not quite jogging. But for those that know me and know how much I HATE to run, know this is terribly hard for me. Doing the Greenlake circle is actually over 5 miles when you add in the walk there and back from our house, but it's nice for a sunny Saturday. I try to do Greenlake once a week, and then run around the track at Kelsey's school the rest of the time.

We're off now to the UVillage to do some shopping. Tomorrow we are going to see Star Trek at the IMAX theater, very excited!