Saturday, May 30, 2009


Let me say that again:



In case you're not getting the was Week 5 Day 3, so the first day where it was just 20 minutes of running and no walking intervals in between. I'd been dreading it, but I got dressed and headed for the track this morning to take advantage of the beautiful weather before it gets too hot. I had the track all to myself, which was very nice, and off I went.

My podcast got screwed up though, so I couldn't quite time myself. Actually I had decided to just use music instead of an interval podcast today so I could have my own music. I put a playlist together with 5 minutes of walking songs, and then 20 minutes of running songs, but my shuffle apparently shuffles playlists too so my plan was foiled almost immediately. And of course I forgot to wear my watch. So I walked through two songs and then I started running on the track and after 1.75 miles thought I was probably done with the 20 minutes (because the songs started repeating, and also because of my previous slow times) but I ran another quarter mile just to be safe, so two miles altogether!

People, you don't know how momentous this is....I have never in my life run even 1 mile before. 2 miles is crazy talk! I'm sweaty but happy right now, and am ready to shower and party tonight at a friend's house. Hope you all have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I had a fetal survey to do tonight at 5..well technically it was another sonographer's patient but she asked me to start it since the woman was early. It didn't take too long before I realized that there were actually two babies in there. I told the couple they were having twins, but it took them a little while until they believed me, and then I think they were just in shock for the rest of the exam. That was kind of fun, but also tiring, because I did the whole survey on both twins, and it took almost two hours total.

Ran yesterday, Week 5 Day 2. This was 8 minutes running, 5 minutes walking, 8 minutes running. I got through it just fine with my usual slow pace. Turns out I can run 5/8 of a mile in 8 minutes....yeah, I'm zooming! I did see one woman the other day who ran slower than me, but that's a rarity. Most of the time the runners are whizzing by me. But that's okay, I'm still running and that's what counts. Saturday is the big day, when I do 20 minutes of running straight through. I'm a little scarred and I'm trying not to think about it.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Let the sun shine

What a gorgeous three day weekend we've had! Saturday I got up early and did my run, then I cut the grass and depooped the back yard. When Jason got up we took the dogs for a walk at Golden Gardens beach, and then took the kids to Agua Verde for late lunch/early dinner. We sat by the water and enjoyed the warmth.

Yesterday we went back to Golden Gardens for a picnic. It was so nice out, and so relaxing to just lay on the beach by the water enjoying hot dogs and burgers and all the stuff that goes with it. Megan came for a while as did Kelsey and Ayla and Natan, and Simon showed up too so we had a nice little group. We stayed about 5 hours, and the sun had really wiped us out by then. We went to bed rather early which was a good thing because the guy I had hired to edge the sidewalks showed up at 7:45 this morning! That got me out of bed, so I went for my Week 5 Day 1 run today. This was run 5 minutes, walk 3, run 5, walk 3, and run 5. I made it through that just fine, and came home in time to find the edging done and the guy trying to get me to pay him $300 to weed the front flower beds. I decided I could save $300 and not be so freakin' lazy and do it myself.

So Jay and I weeded and trimmed hedges and got the yard looking all purdy and now we're going to shower and head down to the nursery on 85th street to look for yard ornaments. I'm partial to the big iron rooster, but I think that will take some persuasion on Jason's part :-)

I hope everyone else had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and let's all take a moment to think about all of those that have served our country.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Good news, not broken

Jay's foot hurt even more this morning so after I went for my run at Greenlake we went to the doctor and then for an x-ray. Turns out it doesn't look like there's a fracture but they'll have the radiologist look more closely at it later and let us know if they find anything. In the meantime, he's to stay off it if he can and elevate it when he can. So no cast, which is good, but he's not sure he'll be able to drive himself to work tomorrow.

Today I'm working on cleaning the house since we didn't get to it this past weekend. My run today was good...Week 4 Day 1, which is run 3 minutes/walk 90 sec/run 5 minutes/walk 2.5 minutes/repeat. As much as I was not looking forward to the 5 minute runs, I'm happy to report that there was not so much as a fleeting moment when I thought I couldn't do it, and completed both sets with comparative ease. So, the dreaded week 4 has begun and so far has been fine. Day 2 looms on Wednesday though, and Day 2 is always my hardest. I'll keep you updated!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Owww, my foot!

This weekend was picture perfect, weather wise. It was sunny and warm on Saturday, so Jay and I walked down to Greenlake for Week 3 Day 3 of the C25K, where we competed with about 1000 other people for space on the jogging path. Then we decided to take advantage of the nice weather to work on the backyard. Off to Home Depot, where we got bags and bags of sand and stones and yard stuff, home to weed and spread paper and tarp and sand and stones, clip hedges, cut grass, and all other manner of yard maintenance. We were totally wiped by the time we finished, and both fell asleep on the couch by 9:30.

Woke up fairly early today and actually didn't feel that badly. Just a bit of a headache but that was it. Jason had a soccer game at 2 so I grabbed my physics book and some trashy magazines and we headed back to Greenlake for the game. He played great! I was really impressed with his skill considering it's been a while since he played...but then he twisted his foot in the second half and had to be benched.

I drove him home, since his foot was hurting so bad. We are debating whether or not to go to the doctor tomorrow to see if it's broken. We don't THINK it's broken because it's not really swollen or discolored, but he can't put a lot weight on it. I propped him up on the couch with some frozen veggies on the foot while I went to the grocery store, and then fired up the grill for the first time this season for hot dogs and brats. He's playing Fallout right now, and we're hoping that by tomorrow he's feeling much better :-). Too bad, he was doing really well at the game. Final score: 1-1.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Abdomens and such

I've been working on abdomens the last week. The plan at work was to get proficient in abdomens by doing all the abdomens I can do in one week, then the next week I'll move on to pelvic exams, and then for the last 5 weeks at the clinic I'll do as many OBs as I can to prepare for my next rotation.

I think this was a good plan. I have probably done about 6 - 8 abdomen or renal exams a day for the last week, and I even went in this morning on my "day off" to do 5 of them that were scheduled today. I felt pretty good about my progress by the time I left today.

Came home and went for my Week 3 Day 1 run. Today was two repetitions of run 90 secs/walk 90 secs/run 3 minutes/walk 3 minutes. I didn't think I was going to have any problems with it because I knew I could run 3 minutes (did it on Saturday) but I didn't go to Greenlake and I didn't go to the Roosevelt track, I just ran around the neighborhood. My biggest worry was that I would wind up running in a pretty small circle but it actually worked out very well, and I finished up with no problem. I have no worries that this week will go just fine. Apparently it's week 4 that people have the most problems with, as it is alternating 5 minute and 8 minute runs with 90 second walking breaks in between. It seems like a pretty big jump to go from 3 minutes this week to 8 minutes next week. Seems like there should just be alternating 5 minute runs - but I didn't design this program, somebody else did, and if it takes me a few weeks to get through it, so be it.

Came home and had a lovely bath, and then made dinner which I don't do nearly enough of since clinicals. I also worked on my presentation for CCD day on Friday. It was a fairly productive day overall, and that's a good thing.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

It's the same old, same old....

Not much new to report. Things here are just chugging along like always. I'm still in clinicals (although the end is definitely in sight now!) and busy as anything. The clinic is so much different than the hospital and both have pros and cons. The clinic gets only relatively healthy people who can mostly walk in on their own, but boy are they busy! It's all about time constraints and getting things done and there's barely time to go to the bathroom most days. I can't decide which I like better right now. I'm glad to be going to neonatal next month so I'll have another experience (all babies with this one) to help me decide where I would really like to work. Of course, I'll be lucky to get any job offer so I can't be too picky.

Megan is working her butt off recently at Zeek's and making tons of dough. Both kinds (pizza shop pun). We barely see her anymore especially since the weather is starting to get nice. When she's not working she's out with her social crew.

Kelsey is doing pretty well with her college course at North Seattle Community College. There is a lot of writing involved in this course which was never her favorite thing to do but she's holding her own with the older kids and we're proud of her.

Jason and I went to Greenlake today and completed Week 2 Day 3 of the Couch to 5k program I'm working on. The idea is that you are supposed to be able to run a 5k in 9 weeks by doing a combination of running/walking and gradually working your way up to running the whole way. I started 2 weeks ago, and I'll be on day 1 of Week 3 next week. I run pretty slow though....I think the C25k people call it "wogging". Not quite walking, not quite jogging. But for those that know me and know how much I HATE to run, know this is terribly hard for me. Doing the Greenlake circle is actually over 5 miles when you add in the walk there and back from our house, but it's nice for a sunny Saturday. I try to do Greenlake once a week, and then run around the track at Kelsey's school the rest of the time.

We're off now to the UVillage to do some shopping. Tomorrow we are going to see Star Trek at the IMAX theater, very excited!