Wednesday, August 08, 2007

We're losers

Went to euchre night again at the Spectator last night. This was our third night going, and even though we split up and didn't play together all night we still managed to lose every game we played between us. One game my team was even up by 4 points, we only needed 1 more to win, and we still lost. Well, at least we still have fun even if we can't win to save our lives. I'm thinking that soon people will not want to partner with us, scared that they will be stained with the stink of our losingness.

I hear there's a big heat wave that the rest of the country is going through right now. Hmmmmmm. Except for the week that the Austinites were here, we haven't had a warm summer at all. In fact, the last couple of days were downright cool. It was only about 64 today, tomorrow is supposed to be a high of 69. I think we've been ripped off this summer. No wonder we're all Vitamin D deficient.

Good news on the furniture front. They have finally located our couch...for those that aren't informed, we custom ordered a piece from what was originally a sectional, and they sent us a loveseat instead of a couch. Maybe. It only has 2 cushions, which is usually what the loveseat has, but it's as long as a couch. The whole thing is very confusing. Anyway, the replacement couch was unmarked and sitting in the warehouse unclaimed since nobody there knew where it was supposed to be going. (I am picturing the last scene of Raiders of the Lost Arc) But it's finally been located and will be delivered on Sunday. I sure hope it's the right one, and we don't have to go through this all over again.

Oh, and watch Damages on FX. Glenn Close rocks. Check your local listings.

Thinking of Grandma Flo - all of our good thoughts and love are heading your way.


nanny joan said...

sinc I dont subscibe to dvr on the cable i am unable to check programs and record - I have conflict with hells kirchen and big love. well hk should be over monday then I can concentrate on bl, but i am not sure i will continue watching because that bill is a wimpy jerk. bb is getting on my nerves too - what will happen if eric gets evicted. I wish that stupid Dick would go home - i/m tired of his outbursts and cussing.

so what is happening with grandma flo? Whatever it is I send prayers and good thoughts and wishes to her also.

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone for the good wishes and prayers! My Mom (Grandma Flo) has a bowel obstruction and has been in the hospital since Monday night. After many uncomfortable and embarrassing tests, they are still not sure what the problem is - and of course, noone is available to give test results over the weekend. Hopefully we will hear something Monday!