Saturday, August 18, 2007

Geeks rule

Today was an odd weather day in Seattle. Beautiful when I got up (at a shameful 9:50), overcast and drizzly by the time Jay got up (an even more shameful 11:30 - but to be fair, he didn't get home until 2:30 am). I really wanted to clean the house today - or to be more truthful, I really wanted the house to be clean today but I didn't necessarily want to be the one doing the cleaning. When Jay mentioned seeing a movie, I was all for it. Especially when he showed me the trailer - The King of Kongs: A Fistful of Quarters - a documentary about two grown men both vying for the world record in Donkey Kong. One look at Billy Mitchell and my only question was "what time is it playing?"

We're both documentary fans, especially ones that honor the geek. I mean, come on...have you see Trekkies? Absolutely.Brilliant. The first one anyway.

So the movie was playing at an independent theater near the UW. Turns out that one of the main geeks in the movie is a local boy, from Redmond. He was actually scheduled to appear live at the evening screening of the movie. The movie had previously played in Seattle during the Seattle Film Festival but we totally missed it. So glad we got to catch it this time though, because it was very enjoyable. I told Jay that I must have some kind of weak personality, because documentary filmmakers are ALWAYS able to make me feel exactly what they want me to feel. I'm so easily manipulated. Anyway, if the movie is playing anywhere near you, and you're in the mood for something light and fun, go for it.


nanny joan said...

and whatever makes you think that in the po-dunk /burg we would ever have the opportunity to see documentaries of any type. The West Coast is so far ahead of the East Coast that its unreal.

PS - I am using my computer in the lobby of the hotel where we are staying.