Monday, August 27, 2007

EwwwwwWeight Watchers

Anyone who knows me and my family knows that we're pretty much constantly either on a diet, or are about to start a diet. Since both my sister and mom have mentioned that they're about to start (after their fabulously fun and food filled shore trip), I wanted to share with them some Weight Watchers Recipe Cards from the 70's that I came across today.

What's that? You need some kind of sample to show you that clicking that link is worthwhile? How about these two:

Make SURE you look at all of them - there's a convenient TOUR link at the bottom of the page. You may never eat again.

Make SURE you look at all of them. (There's a convenient link to a slideshow tour at the bottom of the page.) You may never eat again.


Kris said...

You should send this to Jeff Probst so he can get ideas for the Survivor Food Challenge! Deesgusting!

nanny joan said...

my God how painful - if this was weight watchers at one time - no wonder Florene looks like she does! Some of those dishes made me want to gag - maybe just not eating might be the answer to it all. Everytime you go to take a bite of something conjure up an image of one of these cards and you will just walk away from the food. Weight loss - 20 lbs in one week! Oh boy........

Anonymous said...

Truly awful!! When would you serve mackarel pudding - dessert? I'm going to try Joan's idea!