Friday, August 24, 2007

Geeks Rule...Part Deux

Jay's been working hard on his deadlines all week, but today he got to go to the Penny Arcade Expo on the company. While I cannot report on this adventure first hand, Jay will report through these text messages he sent to me:

1. We're in line

2. It's amazingly nerdy in here

3. Seriously. Some of these people are dyed in the wool hardcore nerds. It's hard to look at some of them.

4. Wil Wheaton keynote at 4.

5. I just heard the end of a joke that had the punchline "so I guess you have to reinstall your operating system" HAHAHAHAHAHA

Of course, I couldn't answer because I was too busy playing Bioshock all day.

In non-geek news, my last day at my part time job is Sept. 20. They decided that 6 hours just wasn't enough. I am totally relieved. I still have the Library job, and they are super flexible...they'll take as much or as little time as I can give which is totally the kind of job I need while I'm in school. So now everything is in short time mode at work and I'm just trying to mentally gear up for school again. I have to start studying my Anatomy again because it's been about a year since my class and they hit the ground running in the Ultrasound program.

Next week I'm getting my hair cut. I'm thinking about going back to bangs.