Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Watch out Seattle drivers

Well, we took the plunge today, and Kelsey bought herself a car. At least, we put a deposit down on it because the owner is going away tomorrow for a long weekend, and we need time to get to the bank and get a cashier's check together. I hope we'll have enough time to do that, since the money has to come out of Kelsey's fund in Pennsylvania. I should probably go research that on the Washington Mutual site, about how long it takes for the money to actually transfer.

Anyway, it's a nice looking car. Here's what it looks like (this is not the exact car, but it looks just like this one):

She got a 2005 Scion XB, and I think we got a pretty good deal on it. These babies seem to really be holding their value, and the prices are all over the map. I've seen them as low as 11K for one with really high mileage all the way up to 26K for a "first edition" (WTF?) low mileage snazzy orange colored one. Freakin' yuppy colors.

So, another Wyld child takes the wheel.

Monday, August 27, 2007

EwwwwwWeight Watchers

Anyone who knows me and my family knows that we're pretty much constantly either on a diet, or are about to start a diet. Since both my sister and mom have mentioned that they're about to start (after their fabulously fun and food filled shore trip), I wanted to share with them some Weight Watchers Recipe Cards from the 70's that I came across today.

What's that? You need some kind of sample to show you that clicking that link is worthwhile? How about these two:

Make SURE you look at all of them - there's a convenient TOUR link at the bottom of the page. You may never eat again.

Make SURE you look at all of them. (There's a convenient link to a slideshow tour at the bottom of the page.) You may never eat again.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Geeks Rule...Part Deux

Jay's been working hard on his deadlines all week, but today he got to go to the Penny Arcade Expo on the company. While I cannot report on this adventure first hand, Jay will report through these text messages he sent to me:

1. We're in line

2. It's amazingly nerdy in here

3. Seriously. Some of these people are dyed in the wool hardcore nerds. It's hard to look at some of them.

4. Wil Wheaton keynote at 4.

5. I just heard the end of a joke that had the punchline "so I guess you have to reinstall your operating system" HAHAHAHAHAHA

Of course, I couldn't answer because I was too busy playing Bioshock all day.

In non-geek news, my last day at my part time job is Sept. 20. They decided that 6 hours just wasn't enough. I am totally relieved. I still have the Library job, and they are super flexible...they'll take as much or as little time as I can give which is totally the kind of job I need while I'm in school. So now everything is in short time mode at work and I'm just trying to mentally gear up for school again. I have to start studying my Anatomy again because it's been about a year since my class and they hit the ground running in the Ultrasound program.

Next week I'm getting my hair cut. I'm thinking about going back to bangs.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Geeks rule

Today was an odd weather day in Seattle. Beautiful when I got up (at a shameful 9:50), overcast and drizzly by the time Jay got up (an even more shameful 11:30 - but to be fair, he didn't get home until 2:30 am). I really wanted to clean the house today - or to be more truthful, I really wanted the house to be clean today but I didn't necessarily want to be the one doing the cleaning. When Jay mentioned seeing a movie, I was all for it. Especially when he showed me the trailer - The King of Kongs: A Fistful of Quarters - a documentary about two grown men both vying for the world record in Donkey Kong. One look at Billy Mitchell and my only question was "what time is it playing?"

We're both documentary fans, especially ones that honor the geek. I mean, come on...have you see Trekkies? Absolutely.Brilliant. The first one anyway.

So the movie was playing at an independent theater near the UW. Turns out that one of the main geeks in the movie is a local boy, from Redmond. He was actually scheduled to appear live at the evening screening of the movie. The movie had previously played in Seattle during the Seattle Film Festival but we totally missed it. So glad we got to catch it this time though, because it was very enjoyable. I told Jay that I must have some kind of weak personality, because documentary filmmakers are ALWAYS able to make me feel exactly what they want me to feel. I'm so easily manipulated. Anyway, if the movie is playing anywhere near you, and you're in the mood for something light and fun, go for it.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Well, after stressing about it for almost a month, I finally broke the news to the company today that my school schedule is going to be horrendous, and it looks like I'll only be able to give them 6 hours a week, 2 each on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. It took me so long because for much of that time I was convinced that I was going to tell them that I would not be working at ALL once school started, that it would just be too much and I have to quit.

Then I felt really calm this morning, and I knew it was time to tell them, but I also knew I decided that I would offer the 6 hours and see if they agreed. It's not that much that I think it would really stress me out, and I wouldn't feel like I was really leaving them in the lurch. I figured we'd do the 6 hour thing for the quarter and then re-evaluate the situation next quarter.

So I very casually brought it up this morning and said that my schedule was going to be really intense (which it is), with a full 17 credits (12 is considered full time), and laid out the 6 hour option.

Doesn't look like they're going to go for it. But I don't feel bad about that option either :-)


I've also been spending a lot of time putting together our itinerary for Oahu. Normally I am not a plan everything out kind of gal. I just like to make note of things I don't want to miss, and then fit it in somewhere along the way. However, for this particular trip I decided that it would be better to have stuff pre-planned because we're there for such a short time, and because Oahu is pretty small, and if you want to make sure you get to do something you'd better make reservations ahead of time.

After much discussion with the other travelers, we've decided these are the "Must Do" things:

Hang Gliding
Pearl Harbor
Diamond Head (Kelly and Jason)
Movie Sites and Lost Sites tour

These are the "want to do" things":

Parasailing (Kelly and Kelsey)
Honolulu city tour
Drive around North Shore

We don't care about going to a Luau, the Dole Pineapple Plantation, the Polynesian Cultural Center, swimming with sharks or dolphins, the aquarium, the zoo, and any number of other things available to us.

So I've made reservations for all the Must Do things, combining Pearl Harbor with a city tour so we get all that done at once, and combining the Hang Gliding with a drive around the North Shore on the way to the Movie and Lost Sites tour. We're gonna be freakin' exhausted when we get home.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

We're losers

Went to euchre night again at the Spectator last night. This was our third night going, and even though we split up and didn't play together all night we still managed to lose every game we played between us. One game my team was even up by 4 points, we only needed 1 more to win, and we still lost. Well, at least we still have fun even if we can't win to save our lives. I'm thinking that soon people will not want to partner with us, scared that they will be stained with the stink of our losingness.

I hear there's a big heat wave that the rest of the country is going through right now. Hmmmmmm. Except for the week that the Austinites were here, we haven't had a warm summer at all. In fact, the last couple of days were downright cool. It was only about 64 today, tomorrow is supposed to be a high of 69. I think we've been ripped off this summer. No wonder we're all Vitamin D deficient.

Good news on the furniture front. They have finally located our couch...for those that aren't informed, we custom ordered a piece from what was originally a sectional, and they sent us a loveseat instead of a couch. Maybe. It only has 2 cushions, which is usually what the loveseat has, but it's as long as a couch. The whole thing is very confusing. Anyway, the replacement couch was unmarked and sitting in the warehouse unclaimed since nobody there knew where it was supposed to be going. (I am picturing the last scene of Raiders of the Lost Arc) But it's finally been located and will be delivered on Sunday. I sure hope it's the right one, and we don't have to go through this all over again.

Oh, and watch Damages on FX. Glenn Close rocks. Check your local listings.

Thinking of Grandma Flo - all of our good thoughts and love are heading your way.

Friday, August 03, 2007

There's another deadline for Jay at work, so they've been doing the dinner thing for the employees this week. Last night was California Pizza Kitchen. Of course Jay decides he has to screw with the guy that places the order, so he asks for a Jamaican Jerk pizza, extra croutons.

This is what he got:

Don't mess with California Pizza Kitchen, and don't mess with the guy that orders the food.