Friday, June 15, 2007

I waited all week for this?

All week, I waited for this day. June 15. Magic time. The day when I'll find out if I get in the Ultrasound program. They promised. I actually checked the mail eagerly all week, just in case they were early. But alas, no.

So today is the day. A vague feeling of excitement mixed with dread all morning. Cleaning the house to take my mind off it. Then, while in the kitchen...that sound. The sound of the letters hitting the floor as they fall through the mail slot in the front door. No warning barks, because the walking door alarms are outside.

I hurry to the living room...there it is, I see the corner of the envelope from school. This is it! Huddled on my knees in front of the door, I can't even spare the time to stand up.

It's a bill. For summer tuition. Nothing else. What the....??? They promised! I'm checking my email again because they said they'd let us know by June 15! Oh...they said they'd send the letters on June 15. Damn. The AlphaFemale is not happy.