Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Greetings from Austin

Even though I'm leaving tomorrow. It's been a great trip though and I've really enjoyed getting to know Ripken more and meeting Riley, who is absolutely adorable. Tonight is our last night, and we're having dinner at some hamburger place by the water. I've eaten so much though since I've been here, I'm not sure I need dinner again for a week.

Ripken is so much fun, and is really good with everyone. It didn't take any time at all for him to warm up to us this time, and he even threw an "I love you" my way every now and then. Oh, and he said to me "you're sunshine". Now how cute is that?

Riley is one of the cutest babies I've ever seen (exceptions are my own girls of course), who dresses entirely in pink, everyday. But she is bubbly and happy and just quite joyful. She prefers an upright position when not napping, so she likes to be walked or to be in her little walker thing and then she's perfectly content.

We've mostly hung around the house, although we did see Jack and Pat and went to dinner with them, as well as visited them in their house in Dripping Springs. I think we've had two trips to Target and one to Costco, and Kristin and I had to hit Walgreens for emergency butter on Easter Sunday. Other than that, we've enjoyed the Austin weather from the backyard, complete with firepit and grown up drinks at night.

Got my grades today, all except for one of them, and I got all A's this quarter. Yay me!

One of the many reasons why I don't shop at Walmart:

Next time I update I'll be back in Seattle, surrounded by beagles and love.