Thursday, April 03, 2008

Back to school

The week is almost over so Megan and I both are into our new quarter. She has a 9:00 class every day which I think is tough for her but so far so good. I'm taking both labs, echo and general, for the next two weeks before I make my final decision as to what I want to specialize in. It's such a difficult choice, because there are advantages and disadvantages to both of them and I want to make sure I make the right choice for the future. I envy my fellow students who are so passionate about one way or the other and don't seem to be waffling like I am. Although the more I talk to different people the more I see that a lot of them are kind of going through the same thing, but they've just been able to make the choice easier than I have.

Jay has been continuing to work absolutely crazy hours, but I got him to promise to come home for dinner tonight....which will be the first time in almost a month I think. It will be nice to have him home, but Megan has to work tonight so we still won't have a full table :-(

We got new dishes last weekend from Pottery Barn - they're awesome. My dishes were getting pretty dinged up...lots of chips on the edges and knife scratches in the middle. The new dishes look so brand new I hate to use them. They're pretty simple looking, all one color (actually 2, because we got 2 different color to mix and match)..putty and cocoa. Anyone that has been in my house can appreciate my continuation of brown and earthy colors for just about everything. Anyway, they're really nice and we like them.


nanny joan said...

dishes sound lovely. Hope you come up with the right choice after this week. Tell Pooh I am really proud of her. Hey Kelsey, hey Jason. Well my blood sugars are back in control, however, I caught a very nasty cold in the past 2 days. I am falling apart. I am not having any luck getting the Neiberts a room at the Sheraton. You wonder why I get so mad at Pam. She won't return calls and I could not get her to commit to getting them a roon for that week. Maybe you will have more luck. Lori's house is really really cute. She has gotten a lot done in a few days. But all the things to go in the basement are piled up in the living roon until the landlord gets finished putting walls up in the basement and putting electric in - I sure hope Roy and Matt don't mess things up for her this time.