Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My name is Kelly, K-E-L-L-Y

And I am addicted to Guitar Hero. Somebody stop me before I strum again. I can play that game for hours and hours and never get tired of it. I played for about 5 hours tonight. Over 7 hours on Saturday. And the only reason I don't play more is because other people want the TV.

Next week is the final week of the winter quarter. We have a final in Echocardiography class, and a last test (but not a final) in pathology. Then we have a week off for Spring Break (hello Austin!) and then Spring Quarter. It looks like it's gonna be a killer this time. I'm so looking forward to break though, and meeting my new niece, and watching Rip drive his car.

Megan can't take me to the airport on Thursday because she has a Math final. Hmmmm...looks like Jay has to take a long lunch and get me there. That shouldn't be too much of a problem since he's been putting in massive hours these past couple of weeks. I sure hope he gets a break soon too.


Anonymous said...

I understand addiction - I have been addicted to Zuma ever since you were here at Christmas. Serious help is needed!!

Simon Cooke said...

Me & Darci will completely rock your world some time by bringing over Rock Band :D

Simon Cooke said...
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