Monday, October 15, 2007


Last week was a quick week for school. The instructor was sick on Thursday so she cancelled classes, which means I had 5 days off. My liver test on Wednesday went great, I think. She hasn't handed back the tests yet, but I'm pretty confident I did well. It felt much better than the brain test, that's for sure.

So last night we had Kelsey's guitar teacher over for dinner, and for dog-related instruction. She'll be staying here as the beagle's primary caretaker while we are in Hawaii. Ayla is going to act as the beagle's secondary caretaker, covering lunch and after school duties. For dinner I made rouladen and garlic mashed potatoes, and we had a really lovely bottle of red to go with it. Almost immediately after Bronwyn left I started getting symptoms of a urinary tract infection, and it continued to get worse throughout the evening. Jay ran to Whole Foods and got me cranberry juice and cranactin pills, and I doused myself with those, lots of water, and some water mixed with baking soda. Around midnight I felt kind of better, and by morning (after about 10 trips to the bathroom)I felt almostly completely back to normal.

I decided that it would be best to see the doctor however, since we'll be away Thursday - Monday. And I was not relishing the idea of suffering from this while on a 6 hour plane ride. It turns out that I just had a "tiny" infection because my home remedies last night flushed most of the infection out. Dr. Daniel gave me some antibiotics anyway to take for three days, just to be on the safe side. Hopefully I'll be completely well by Thursday - which I fully expect to be.

Okay, quick update is over, I'm back to studying the heart for the test tomorrow.


nanny joan said...

that is pretty bizarre - I have a small UTI too and I forgot to get Cranberry Juice when I went to Weis to stock pile today. I will try and remember to get it tomorrow. I made some shrimp dish for supper and as soon as I finished it I felt sick in my tum and sneezed at least 20 times in a row. I hope I don't get sick during the night. Go to my blog page and I will post on there. Oh, and have a wonderful time and be safe when you go on Thursday. Try not to exhaust yourselves - there is a lot to see and do and your schedule is pretty full! Love to all. Mom