Tuesday, October 09, 2007

My brain's no good

The test today was HARD! First were multiple choice, but like the kind where it says to circle all of the answers that are true, so it wasn't an easy multiple choice. And then the diagram part was not looking at images and labeling the different parts, which is kind of what we were all expecting based on last week's test - no, this week we had to draw our own images. So she says, draw a coronal view at the level of the third ventricle and label all the structures you would see - yuck! Criminy - I was just trying to remember what the third ventricle would look like when it came up on a scan, and here I have to draw it myself with all the other junk around it. Results on Thursday, I'm just hoping I pass (which is 78 or above, anything less is a failing grade here).

I was on the way to pick up my carpool partner this morning, and sitting at a red light. I glanced over to the car next to me, and this chick is smoking with her left hand, talking on the phone with her right hand, and has an open laptop in the passenger seat, screen facing her. Holy distraction batman! I'll be the first to admit talking on the phone while driving, and I occasionally also sip coffee, but I sure don't do them both at the same time and I also don't type on my laptop while doing ANY driving. She must have some mad drivin' skillz. Or else she's a dork.


Anonymous said...

I will now climb down from my soapbox and let you have it - I am tired of preaching about driving with distractions!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! (Doesn't mean I'll stop!)
So sorry your test was so hard but I have every confidence in you - do you think they are trying to weed people out of the program - which is a very common thing for academics to do?
Hope you are all feeling better - I talked to Jason on Monday and he said everybody was fine?! How is Kelsey liking her new car (what's not to like about a new - to you - car)

nanny joan said...

I never liked taking tests unless they were multiple choice - so much for that! I always thought I had a fighting chance if the answer was there in either a,b,c,or d. It does sound awfully hard and you are just getting started. Keep plugging along, I know you can do it.
As for driving distractions my brain is my biggest enemy. I go out my driveway sometimes and honestly do not have a clue where I am going (because the old brain is going like the freight trains that come by here constantly) and I just drive and all of a sudden think where am I or why did I come this way. I have pretty much given up talking on the phone when I am driving - I cannot imagine trying to use the laptop. Oh boy!!!!