Monday, October 08, 2007


Sorry I haven't updated for a while...I've been sick with Kelsey's cold. I'm just now getting to the point where I can breathe through both nostrils again, but just barely. Kelsey got over her cold, then I caught it, and then Jason did something bizarre to his neck and he could barely move all day Saturday.

Kelsey had her guitar lesson Saturday at 1, and then she went to spend the night with Ayla, so Jason and I spent the rest of the day/night on the couch. I went to Bartell to pick up a heating pad and some Ben Gay for Jay, and some Afrin for me. We were totally pathetic. Yesterday we both felt better so we did the grocery shopping for the week and then I studied while Jay played Bioshock.

I have a test again tomorrow. Every Tuesday. My last test I got a 33 out of 36, but the instructor only gave me a 31...she added the points wrong. I told her about it and she said she'd fix it, but she didn't write anything down and I honestly don't think she'll remember, but I don't want to be lame about it and remind her. So I guess I'll just take a wait and see about it. So test on the brain tomorrow and then a test on the liver Wednesday night. Whoo hoo!

I talked to Mom today and she said it's still in the 80's back in PA. It's long past the 80's here. This weekend was cold and rainy, and we've got the heat on. We'll be ready to head to Hawaii next week!


nanny joan said...

it is hell when you get sick - thank goodness it only lasted 24 hours. Fight that instructor for your grades. She sounds like a real wacko! I would be worried about her. How is the math going for Kelsey? That's really too bad - sometimes teachers/instructors are just not meant to be in the teaching field. I will post on my blog tomorrow - I must get ready for my two shows tonight. Tomorrow comcast will give me my new phone # Once again it is 717 220-1668. But I can always talk to you on the cell. Since you have T-mobil and I do too I don't get charged minutes when we talk. Take care and read my blog after tomorrow sometime.