Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Work issues

My computer died at work. It actually died yesterday, when it wouldn't let me on the network at all, and since I do most of my work on network programs, I went home early while they worked on fixing it. Which was good, because it let me study for Anthropology....oh, and make another bag :-)


I won't bore everyone (like there's a lot of readers) with all the pictures, but for anyone that's interested, they're here if you want to see all the angles. I posted them for Meg so she could decide which one she wanted. She went with the red one, which means I get the pink one.

So anyway, today I go back in to work, and my computer has supposed to have been fixed, but I still get the same error, and can't connect to the network. Luckily for me, there's an unused laptop in the server room that they decide to set up. I say luckily because this one is smokin' fast compared to the one I've been using, and I don't feel like bashing my head against the window of my cubicle quite as often. But now I can't get on Internet Explorer. I can use Firefox, which is fine, but I can't use Messenger either which I think is tied in with the IE error, so I'm out of touch with the rest of the office. You'd be laughing right now if you knew how small our office is :-). But I'm also out of touch IM-wise with Jason. No big deal, I can still text message him, but I'm much faster on a keyboard than a cell phone.

All of my recent crafting has injured me. I have lost most of my right thumbnail. Ouch, yes it hurts. And it's damn inconvenient.