Sunday, October 22, 2006


The weekend weather here was beautiful, so we took advantage yesterday and went to Fright Fest at the Six Flags Enchanted Forest. It's about 25 miles south of Seattle, and we went with Kelsey and her friend. The girls had a great time, and so did we - but Jason and I couldn't help but feel the park was a little lacking in the ride department. They had two roller coasters, and the rest of the rides were the kind you might find in a carnival somewhere. We didn't make it to the haunted house because the line was sooooo long. And by 10:30 we were soooo cold. It was fun though, and I'm glad we went.

Today was craft day for me. I finally got all the pieces together to make the Bootie Bag. So this is my first attempt, and since it's not perfect, I'll keep it for myself and make a better one for Meg :-)


I picked the jeans up at the Goodwill in Harrisburg...girls size 5


The handles were the most expensive part, because I bought most of the nice beads from the bead store. The rest of the beads I took off a thrift store necklace.


The inside fabric was stuff I had left over after making bibs for Ripken


I bought the belt at a thrift store here in Seattle

I must say, I love the way it turned out. I can't wait to start another one. But not today, I have to study for a quiz in Anthropology tomorrow.


Meg said...

better get movin on mine! i like that one, its cool- cept i dont want my inside fabric to have dog bones on it. the belt is really cool though, id wear it.

Kristin said...

Can you add me to the list of people that want one??? That's toatlly awesome! You need to check out some of the stores here on South could probably sell a line of your bags to them & charge hundreds of dollars. Consider it a backup career :-)

Anonymous said...

i want one sooo bad. i freaked when i saw meg's. it's amazing. i would totally rock one. i will pay too =) please make me one!!!!