Sunday, October 29, 2006

Rainy Sunday

It was supposed to be nice all this weekend, but it's rainy and overcast today. Good day to study for my midterm on Wednesday.

Yesterday was nice though, and we had a pretty full day. Kelsey and a friend went to the movies - Saw 3 - on Friday afternoon, then a sleepover at our house Friday night. Yesterday we planned to see The Prestige, but thanks to me we went to the wrong theater in Lynnwood, and we couldn't find the one it was actually playing at. So we went to Barnes and Noble and got some books, then we went to JoAnn's and got some quilting thread. We came home and walked the dogs, then Jason took us to his new office since we haven't been there yet. Then we dropped Kelsey and Ayla off at Ayla's boat so Kelsey could spend the night there.

Since Jason and I had a free evening, we decided to do something grown up. We decided to go out for drinks and tapas, and I knew just where I wanted to go. I kept passing this lounge place when driving around the U-district, so we headed there. Except we didn't know exactly where it was. We parked on the Ave, then walked south, then north, then south again, then north again. We could not freakin' find this place. We probably walked for a good 45 minutes, and then we got in the car and drove to where we thought it might be, and lo and behold there it was...we had been less than 50 yards from it on one of our side street excursions, but we just didn't go far enough!

The place was really cool, and we had some drinks (mojitos and buttery nipples :-), and some tapas (spinach and artichoke dip, and a plate with cheese, nuts, and crackers with a variety of spreads). I thought it was called the University Lounge, but turns out it's actually called The District Lounge, so no wonder nobody knew where it was when we asked. We decided that the next time we get a visitor from out of town we'll take them there. Then we came home and watched The Wire on HBO and went to bed.

Today is just a study/work day since it's so icky out. The Halloween Beaglefest is today, but I don't think we're going to go. Although as I'm writing this, the sun is coming out, so who knows....maybe we will. As ever, I'll keep you all posted :-)