Thursday, September 21, 2006

We're back up

The Beaglehaus has been down for a few days...seems we had a power supply breakdown in the server machine. Of course, we didn't notice it for a few days, and nobody mentioned not being able to get on to the website so obviously it wasn't a big loss for anybody. Anyhooo, Jay had a spare power supply (of course he did :-) so he popped that puppy in last night and we were up and running again. Just in time to start taping, since The Office premieres tonight at the same time Survivor is on, so we've gotta have that faux Tivo running.

For those that didn't hear, Kelsey had to get contacts the other day. It appears she has inherited the Neibert vision after all. I thought she might escape it like her sister, but no such luck. She's an old pro at the contact thing already and doesn't seem to have any problems putting them in or taking them out.

We had curriculum night at Roosevelt High last night. Wow, that school is awesome. Kelsey's teachers all seem pretty cool, and her class sizes are really small so she should do really well this she does every year :-) She's really lucky to have such a leading edge school in which to start high school.


Kristin said...

We missed you! I was just telling Kirk the other night I was going to have to call & complain that it had been almost a week since a post...

nanny joan said...

I sometimes wonder if you have early dementia - or what is wrong with your mind - you said it appears no one tried to send any comments to your beaglehaus page but if you read my posts on my page I told you two different times I don't know why but beaglehaus just won't let me leave any comments. So I did try and I knew there was something wrong, I just didn't know what it was.

Pooh just left to go to Robbie's for the night. She is going to take the u-haul back tomorrow and then if she needs to use my car she will come and get it at work - hoping that Whitney can arrange an interview at EZ Pass either tomorrow or Monday. If all goes well, she will have a job sometime next week. She really is trying but it gets a little overwhelming for her when she doesn't have transportation. I told her as long as she helps by putting gas in the cruiser I have no problem sharing when she is in a bind, until she can save up to get a car. Keep those prayers going - she needs them. Kelsey send me a picture of yourself in the glasses. I won't be able to tell the difference with the contacts. You should see this crazy Lilly - she is having play time now that we have to go to bed. She likes your sister too - just like she liked you.

Hey Jason, how is it going with the job. Thank God you are still young enough that you can handle those "crunch times" and pull those almost all-nighters. I can't remember what it was like to stay up past 11:00. I used to do that a lot when I was your age and even your wife's age. Ask her about our all-night, all-weekend poker games. Oh to be so carefree and crazy. I don't want to go back tho, I like being a red/white/blue card carrying member of society. MEDICARE, baby. I like showing that card. Love you guys - gotta go to bed.