Wednesday, September 13, 2006

This Little Krissy Went To Market

This is Kris's second day here, and I think we're exhausting her. Yesterday when she got here, I took her to lunch at my favorite Pho place, then we took the dogs for an hour long walk around the neighborhood and through the woods by the house. When Kelsey got home from school we took off for Seattle Center, where we did the whole Space Needle/International Fountain thing. When we got home we had dinner, then Jay and I went to a Freshman 101 class for parents at the high school, while Kelsey and Kris stayed home to watch Big Brother. Kris went to bed right after, poor thing was exhausted.

Today when Kelsey got home we went down to Pike's Place Market to do the tourist thing around there. Kris
It's a little cooler today, but nice for walking around the market. Kris was amazed at the fresh produce, the huge donuts, the King Crab legs, and the crazy people.

Tomorrow we're going to dinner at the Melting Pot. Is it wrong to be so excited about melted foodstuffs? MMMmmmmmm, fondue...*drool*

Now that Vincent's been disposed of on Project Runway, I don't know who to hate. I think I'll turn my energy on Jeffrey. Nobody should have their neck tatooed like that.


nanny joan said...

WELL your vacation is almost up. I am so glad that you and Kris got to spend sometime together alone. I know she will be talking about her trip to Seattle for months to come. Now you next family visit is to Austin. Then I will get to see you in December. I guess all of that is do-able(?) I talked to your brother and nephew this morning. Rip doesn't really have much to say. I don't think he likes talking on the phone. He's having a birthday party this afternoon after his nap. I told Kirk it is too bad that they couldn't have come this week. The Strausburg Railroad down in LNC county is welcoming Thomas the Train, and some of his "friend trains" today, along with Mr. Topemhat. They will be here all this week and will depart next Saturday. The kids even get a 22 minute train ride on Thomas. I think Rip would have really liked that. I am going to pick them up at BWI on the 28th at mid-night (I/m getting pretty good at the BWI run) also Rose has a pack n play that she keeps for her great grandchildren when they come up from VA - so Kirk does not have to drag that along. He will just have the car seat and the umbrella stroller to worry about in baggage claim.

Today is a funky day - the end of a bad weather week. Crappy all week, cloudy, light rains, and very low temps. It's supposedd to be around 80 tomorrow and I am taking Kassidy to church and then we are going to Ft. Hunter Day up along the river. Suie and the kids, and Pete are meeting us there. Maybe Aunt Mare and Lori and Kayla will go too. I told Mare about it, will have to see what tomorrow brings. I will call Wayne a little later and see what time Kris' church service is tomorrow. She said she wanted Kassidy to go to Sunday School, and I thought I could do church while she is in SS. Like I said, I will have to talk to Wayne later to see what time everything is. Ft. Hunter Day is from 10 - 5. Sue said they would go between 11 and 12.

I didn't hear anything from the Pooh. I told her to check in so I would know she was safe. I guess I have to stop doing that. I will see her when I see her I guess. I am hoping she can stay with Loren for the four nights that Kirk and Rip are here because I had already arranged for them to stay here before she asked me. Well its 12:30 in the afternoon and I am thinking about a nap on the couch -its very quiet here and I am bored. Have fun today, whatever it is you guys are doing. Love to all. P.S. Tell Krissy Little we will see her at the APO tomorrow.

nanny joan said...

hey there - did you see my pictures of Lilly. I know the pics are dumb - maybe I should take a photography class - but at least I was able to post them. The cat is really funny. She is pretty lazy too. Loves sleeping. But sometimes I wake up for just a minute between 2 and 4 a.m. and she is staring right in my face. Just looking at me. If I even think about acknowledging that she is there its all over because she starts purring and licking (ow! that tongue is so rough) and I have to tell her no no no get away from me - then she gets hurt and jumps off the bed and goes off to wherever for awhile. But then when I am ready to get up around 7 or so she is right there again.