Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A Beagle in Three Acts



nanny joan said...

Trixie did anyone every tell you what a mixed up girl you are - it appears you have no shame and posing for pictures is just one more thing you do when you want to, no matter what the pose!!! Can hardly wait to hear all about the melting pot today - who will post first - big sister or little sister. Riding that pig looks pretty exciting Kris - it's just a Kris thing - even if you are 65 you will still do things like that.

Talked to Pooh-bear last night. They sound pretty excited to get started. I just hope that they do not overdo and try and drive 16 hours a day. I know they are excited to get home, but so what if it's four days or five days. Get here when they get here. I am praying that there are no misadventures on the roads and that they arrive safely. Please God, please.

Hey Squirt, did you eat at the melting pot too? I guess you are back in the routine for school. I am still not back in the routine for work. The manager called me on my day off yesterday - at about 10:30 and asked if I could go to a job for four hours. Like as soon as I could get there. It was across from the Post-office by where you used to live. I had to put labels on 1,000 post cards and then run each of them thru the postage meter. Got paid $32.00 for that mooron work. Today I am going to do Meals on Wheels with Sue. No farm show today - I have had enough tomatoes and peaches and nectarines. We are having really crappy weather this week.

Ok guys, I gotta go - we will do bkfst in McDonald's first. Then MOW. Have a great day! Love to all