Monday, September 11, 2006

Camping recap

The girls and I spent the weekend at the KOA in Leavenworth, WA. Leavenworth is a town in central Washington state that decided in 1965 to "go alpine" and every single thing in town from the gas station to the Safeway to all shops and hotels sport a Bavarian village theme. Very kitschy. Jason would have hated it, but the girls and I had fun.

One shop I loved was called Kris Kringle, and it had this big Halloween display set up. I know Kris would have loved it.

We got to the campground Friday late afternoon, unpacked, and then went for groceries. We spent the night just hanging around, cooking hotdogs and playing games. Saturday we had breakfast at the campground (2 eggs, 2 huge pancakes, sausage, coffee, and OJ for 4.50), then went into town to look around. We went into almost every shop down the main drag. They were really cool and had lots of fun stuff to look at. We were also lucky(!) enough to be there during a quilt festival, so all the different stores had quilts displayed, and then at the end of town the FestHall had a showing of the rest of the quilts. Kelsey and Megan were kind enough to humor me and go into the quilt show with me. It wasn't huge, so we didn't spend a lot of time there. Then we went mini-golfing and headed back to camp because KOA was doing a free hamburger feed. After eating we made a fire and sat around roasing marshmallows for a while before bed.

Sunday we got up early, skipped breakfast, checked out, and headed for our horseback riding reservation. Unfortunately, we didn't have as much fun on the trail ride as we've had on past rides. The trail was horribly rocky and not taken care of very well, Kelsey had a real problem with the saddle on her horse, I got yelled at for trotting (not allowed at this place) and the guide was pretty much of a bitch. She lost all chances for any kind of tip, which started out at $20 and gradually went down to $0 as the ride went on. Too bad we booked the two hour trip instead of the one hour, I think we were all ready to be done before the ride was actually over.

All in all, a fun weekend. If we go again, definitely bringing the beagles because the campground was full of dogs....and so was Leavenworth.

Kris gets here tomorrow and I can't wait!


nanny joan said...

well that town looks really cool. How far away from home were you guys. The pics are great - wish I could figure out how to post some pics for you guys on my page. Meg hurry up and get here so you can show me how to do it and how to link to your blog pages. The horse back riding sounds like it was a real bummer - I wonder if I would even remember how to ride anymore. You know I use to go down to the stables at the Hotel Hershey all by myself back in the early 80's (it was shortly after my Dad died). It always made me feel better. I don't know where I would go around here - don't even know if the stables are still operating down there anymore. Listen to me, at 65 thinking about getting on a horse like getting on a bike. The horse would needs five legs to keep me balanced like a bike needs at least three in order for me not to fall off. Well have a great visit with sister Kris. I told her to call me sometime tomorrow after 2:30 your time so I can hear how her flight went. Wish she could bring you a copy of me being interviewed on the news tonight. Kris says I was awesome (I think I looked and sounded pretty good, if I must say so). Sue Miller called me as soon as it was over and she told me how good I did! My five minutes of fame, ha ha!