Friday, December 19, 2008

Winter in Seattle

Oh the joys of snow in the city.

And I should clarify...this happened this afternoon after about a 2 inch drop of snow on the city streets. Unfortunately, due to no salting and little plowing and dropping temps, most of that snow is now ice on the steep and narrow city roads. There were two charter busses that tried to detour around a closed road, wound up careening down an icy patch and almost flying through the guardrail onto I-5 below. Luckily, nobody was hurt. The passengers all escaped out a back window and the busses are still hanging over the highway tonight while workers try to pull them back.


nanny joan said...

you guys are having some real winter weather - we are supposed to get your snowstorm on Sunday. Today it was torrential downpours most of the day. Dry and cold tomorrow. I just stay in and try to keep warm. lilly doesn't like to share the "fireplace" with me.

Kristin said...

Wow! That's some crazy picture! Did you take that yourself or get it off the web?

Alpha Female said...

No, I did not take it myself, I definitely got it off the web! I stayed in all day and stayed warm and dry.

Kris said...

Holy Freakin Smokes!