Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Thanksgiving and stuff

Lovely Thanksgiving meal. 6 pm, Turkey, garlic mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, carrots, broccoli casserole, rolls, stuffing (2 kinds!), gravy, cranberry sauce (2 kinds!), pumpkin pie, apple pie, dessert cheese, whipped cream, vanilla ice cream, and much wine. Followed by Rock Band (1 & 2!), Scene It, and Left 4 Dead. No poker, but close :-)

We ate Thanksgiving dinner until Sunday.

It was nice having 5 days off last week, and hard to go back to work on Monday. This week has been pretty good so far though. I did about 5 baby heads almost all the way through on Monday, and today I did a renal and an OB complete exam all by myself, and my CI said I did a really good job. I'm feeling pretty good about scanning these days. My BCC instructor is meeting with my CI next week, and hopefully that will go well.

Megan is anxiously awaiting Friday when her school is done for the quarter, and then she has off almost a whole month! Kelsey is anxiously awaiting her 17th birthday, and dinner at the Melting Pot followed by a sleepover. I'm anxiously awaiting Friday and CCD day at school when I get to see all my classmates for the first time since we split up in September. Jason is anxiously awaiting the return of his XBox, which should be home from the XBox hospital tomorrow.

I made the girls reservations to go back to Harrisburg over Spring Break. They will get to fly right into Harrisburg this time, instead of having to go to Baltimore or Philadelphia, so that's a definite plus. The flights are pretty sucky though, but maybe they'll have a schedule change before then.

Happy Birthday Brittini!