Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Only how many more shopping days??

Schnikes, where did the days go? I don't know about your neck of the woods but the malls here are packed, economy recession be damned. Just the thought of having to go out and maneuver through the crowds makes me feel anxious. Oh, how I love the online. But even my beloved interwebs tell me that I only have XXX more days! Hurry!

Actually, I am almost done. I do plan on going out this weekend to finish up, but with small exceptions most of my stuff is in the mail or about to be. Just a few more tidbits to get done. I just hope I can get it all done by Sunday.

Today I had to do a presentation to the other sonographers at work, and the Seattle U student had to do some as well. She did so much better than me, but I don't really mind that much because they're not graded and I'm just glad to get it over with. I did my first pair of testicles yesterday! Wow..they were kinda just like the thyroid. Um, not. They all lied to me. But at least the first is done and now I won't be so nervous.

Also working on perfecting the TV exam this week. No, not television, for I would ace that. I'm talking the Transvaginal pelvic exam. Today when I did the first one on my own, I held the transducer upside down. No wonder the uterus looked backwards! The second one went much better :-)


nanny joan said...

sounds yummy - bet your Dad would have loved it since he was a big fan of potato soup. It just takes too much effort for me. If someone would make it for me I would definitely eat it.........

nanny joan said...

shopping in the malls is denfinitely not going to happen for me. I don't think I have been inside a mall in months. Not even the department stores because I can't walk for long without having to sit down. Then if I purchase anything I have to figure out how to get it to the car and in the house, etc. Oh well, next year will be better, I am sure.

Kris said...

You sure do mess a round a lot with the "naughty bits"