Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Greetings from Austin

Even though I'm leaving tomorrow. It's been a great trip though and I've really enjoyed getting to know Ripken more and meeting Riley, who is absolutely adorable. Tonight is our last night, and we're having dinner at some hamburger place by the water. I've eaten so much though since I've been here, I'm not sure I need dinner again for a week.

Ripken is so much fun, and is really good with everyone. It didn't take any time at all for him to warm up to us this time, and he even threw an "I love you" my way every now and then. Oh, and he said to me "you're sunshine". Now how cute is that?

Riley is one of the cutest babies I've ever seen (exceptions are my own girls of course), who dresses entirely in pink, everyday. But she is bubbly and happy and just quite joyful. She prefers an upright position when not napping, so she likes to be walked or to be in her little walker thing and then she's perfectly content.

We've mostly hung around the house, although we did see Jack and Pat and went to dinner with them, as well as visited them in their house in Dripping Springs. I think we've had two trips to Target and one to Costco, and Kristin and I had to hit Walgreens for emergency butter on Easter Sunday. Other than that, we've enjoyed the Austin weather from the backyard, complete with firepit and grown up drinks at night.

Got my grades today, all except for one of them, and I got all A's this quarter. Yay me!

One of the many reasons why I don't shop at Walmart:

Next time I update I'll be back in Seattle, surrounded by beagles and love.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dinner Date

Jay and I went on a double date tonight with my carpool buddy and her husband. We had dinner at our favorite Indian restaurant down the street and we had a lot of fun. It was nice to socialize with another couple, because we do that so infrequently. I think the only other couple we've done anything with is Simon and Darci and that's usually with a bunch of other people. I'm hoping we'll get to do it again soon.

Kelsey is getting ready for Spring Break, which is the first week in April. She starts practice for the golf team tomorrow. Whoo Hoo. Megan has her Math final on Thursday and turns in her last essay in English this week, then she has break. Not sure what she's planning on doing but I know it will involve marshmallow fluff.

I have a final tomorrow in scanning lab, where I'll have to show the teacher all the views I've learned, and then I have a final in Echo class, which might or might not be hard and then a last test in Pathology Wednesday and then on Thursday I'm off to Austin.

Grocery store today was another big score...spent $112, saved $121. Another Whoo Hoo. Yeah, boring but such is my exciting life.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My name is Kelly, K-E-L-L-Y

And I am addicted to Guitar Hero. Somebody stop me before I strum again. I can play that game for hours and hours and never get tired of it. I played for about 5 hours tonight. Over 7 hours on Saturday. And the only reason I don't play more is because other people want the TV.

Next week is the final week of the winter quarter. We have a final in Echocardiography class, and a last test (but not a final) in pathology. Then we have a week off for Spring Break (hello Austin!) and then Spring Quarter. It looks like it's gonna be a killer this time. I'm so looking forward to break though, and meeting my new niece, and watching Rip drive his car.

Megan can't take me to the airport on Thursday because she has a Math final. Hmmmm...looks like Jay has to take a long lunch and get me there. That shouldn't be too much of a problem since he's been putting in massive hours these past couple of weeks. I sure hope he gets a break soon too.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

POP - all better

So my foot was still hurting this morning. Actually I slept really well last night and I thought that it was all done with the pain, but as soon as I walked downstairs I knew it wasn't to be.

We took the dogs for a quick walk around the block and then headed to the grocery store, with me limping (not badly) and still in a bit of pain. Then we came home and cleaned the house. Afterwards, Jason was setting up our new receiving and asked me to plug in my iPod to see if the connection worked okay. I sat down in front of the HugeAssBankOfElectronicEquipment and connected the iPod and felt this POP in my ankle. The pain flared for a moment and then it was Gone Baby Gone. I could hop up and down on my foot and turn it all around in all directions and no pain whatsoever. Whoo Hoo! So I'm better, and no doctor needed.

Oh, and a couple of good movies this weekend...Gone Baby Gone (for reals this time) was pretty good, as was Eastern Promises. The latter is definitely not for the squeamish, but if you're a fan of Viggo Mortensen, it's highly recommended.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Calling all armchair doctors

My ankle's hurtin' mama. Last night Jay and I went out for a couple of drinks and a light dinner. Later that night we were in bed watching TV and I experienced a sudden onset of acute ankle pain in my right lateral ankle...it kind of felt like a tendon or ligament had "locked up" and I couldn't really move my foot without terrible pain. I could keep it flexed upward but if I tried to move to the outside or point my toes flexing my foot downward it hurt really bad. Jason spent some time kind of massaging my ankle to see if something was pinched, but it didn't help. Oh, and pushing on the right side of my calf sent shooting pains down into the ankle.

This morning I wake up and it's just as bad. Doesn't hurt so much when I flex my foot upward, but letting it hang down naturally hurts and walking downstairs is a killer.

It's not swollen, and it's not discolored. I haven't been putting any particular stress on this ankle. I did work out a bit on Wednesday with some higher impact aerobics stuff and on Thursday with much lower impact weight training but took the dogs to the park on Thursday afternoon for a mile and a half walk with no problems.

What have I done to myself? I can't find an answer on the internets and my doctor isn't open until Monday. And if it is still hurting by Monday I am certainly making an appointment.