Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

To all the Mom's I know, I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day. Both of the girls are home with me today, so I'm already having a great one. Megan was up very early today, no doubt because of the time change and the fact that she went to bed pretty early last night. When everybody else gets up and ready, we're going to the Rusty Pelican for brunch (mmmm, cranberry mimosas), then we're going to go see a movie. This morning is kind of chilly and damp, so a movie will be great today. It's supposed to warm up later so maybe we'll get to go to the dog park.

Yesterday we took Megan around to her old work spots so she could see if anyone she knew was still around. There was one at Zeek's and just a couple at Best Buy. I guess everybody is moving on. I still think she enjoyed talking to those few that she saw. I did get some batteries while we were at Best Buy, so now I can post pictures, so later I'll put up the bathroom picture, I promise!