Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Comp time

Jay gets to have almost the whole week off because of the absolutely insane hours they've been putting in at work. He had to work yesterday, but was home by dinner, and now he's off until next Tuesday, Monday being a holiday and all. Of course I put him to work right away on the bathroom :-). Right now, he's busy scraping the door trim. We might actually have a completely finished bathroom by the end of the week. I really did want to start on the backyard this week, but I don't think that will happen. There's just too much to do.

Kelsey is so looking forward to the end of school. One month from today and she's done. They seem like to they have to go so much longer than PA (I think they're done June 6 or something like that), but then again they get much longer breaks throughout the year, so it really does even out. She doesn't see it like that of course, she just sees that she has to go longer.

It's been kind of cool and a bit rainy here the past couple of days so we've been really lazy lately. I have to start cooking again now that the whole family will be home for dinner. Tonight is pork loin braised in milk. With mashed potatoes for the vegetarian.


nanny joan said...

you should let your man get some much need R&R or at least a lot of catch up sleep. our weather has been awfully nice this week. I had lunch with Dad today - I took a salad for me and a frosty for him - but I finished the frosty as it was really melting. he says hi to everyone and says he misses us a lot and knows we miss him too.

kelsey soon you will be megan's age and wish you were 14 again and back in school. She tells me that a lot. Don't wish your school time to fly bye because you can never have those carefree days back again. Go to my page and read my latest entry.

Rest up Jay - sounds like you have earned it. Love, Mom