Saturday, February 10, 2007

NY visitor

The professor from NYC came today to look at the house. We think it went pretty well. He said he had been looking at quite a few, and had some more to look at yet, but he said he really liked the place, and we were probably in the top 2 of what he had looked at so far. We should know one way or the other sometime Tuesday, so we'll still cross our fingers until then.

We've all been working so hard this past week. Jason has one gate almost finished, and he's going to start working on the second one tomorrow. Hopefully we'll have them done before we move in officially on Friday. We tried to go meet the neighbors today and ask about putting in some green wire fencing along the property line, but they weren't home. Kelsey and I painted the remaining two walls in her room, and we'll finish the second coats tomorrow. I bought the pot rack for behind the stove, so I'm hoping to put that up tomorrow too. That should save us a lot of valuable cabinet space, if we can keep the pots on the wall. We still have to find a small microwave somewhere, and would like to pick up a used chest freezer for downstairs if we can find one on craigslist. We're all exhausted, and I can't wait until we're all moved in and settled. At least the weather has been really nice lately. I sure hope it won't be raining on Friday.


nanny joan said...

oh boy you guys are really really busy. I wish I could be there to lend a hand - don't know how much help I would be but I am sure another pairs of hands is always welcome. I haven't talked to Pooh since Frinday night so I don't know if she is all moved into her place or not. I think Eric and Sue have settlement on Thursday this week and hope to do their big move on Friday and Saturday.

Tomorrow is court day - Mare has her hearing at 9:30 before Judge Lindsey and Matt has his in Harrisburg in DCC at 8:30. I guess Tracy Kibler has to appear at Domestic Relations Court sometime tomorrow too. Lots of court action. I am sure I will hear the outcome of everything tomorrow night or Tuesday. When does your moving truck come?
Hope the New York Prof decides he likes your place best. I will offer up prayers tonight for everyone, although I don't know how much God listens to me anymore. I think he is pretty fed up with me. Oh well, maybe since I am asking for others and not for me he will grant some wishes. Good luck with your moving. Love, Mom

nanny joan said...

Hey Kelsey - congratulations on the learner's permit. If you learn to drive in Seattle you will be able to drive anywhere huh? So this week-end you guys will be in your new home. I am so happy for you all, and I can hardly wait till I can come to visit and stay and see the new house and the doggies and you guys.

Hey the reason I didn't put Bobby's picture in is because he always acts like a clown and makes funny faces. We are all funny enough without having to make stupid faces.