Friday, February 23, 2007


Once in a while, we need a little break from the moving. (maybe it's not such a good thing to have so long to move...especially when your entire family is made up of procrastinators)

So, we got the Wii the other day (courtesy of Nintendo and a special offer to Midway employees). Jay also went and got Zelda to play on the Wii and Crackdown to play on the XBox 360. So now we officially have 4 game systems set up. Oh, the wires.....the wires.

Anyways, the Wii is pretty fun, 'cause it came with Wii sports and we've all been having fun bowling and playing tennis, and testing our "fitness age". I don't want to mention what my fitness age is, because I think Nintendo is smoking crack. (it's freakin' 68!!!) Obviously, I have some work to do on my reflexive gaming moves. Kelsey started out in her 50's but is down in her 20's now. Jason started out not far from his real age, so good for him. Too bad he has osteoporosis. (or so the lady at the fitness fair at his work told him the other day) I think he's just trying to get out of beagle-proofing the backyard by using brittle bones as an excuse. What a whiner.

***okay, really...that diagnosis was a little surprising and scary, so he's going to get a follow up by somebody who wasn't trying to push their alternative medicine services on scared, brittle boned people.****

The bathroom contractor was here today, and we ordered us a new tub. If all goes well, the bathroom should be done by end of March to mid-April. Mostly depends on us, as we're doing a lot of the work ourselves to save $$$. I can't wait.


nanny joan said...

it seems that we always talk on the phone the same day you update your blog - why is that? I finally got home from H'town around 3 p.m. I had Kassidy and Kayla and they watched the video Barnyard and played with Barbies till around 5:30. Then we went over to the Sheraton Hershey (the old Mariott) where Rob and Bobby and Keith and Brian are spending the weekend. We had a little supper (its very expensive) and then I had to take Bobby to the bank so he could cash a check (don't even ask) you know they never have money. So he wrote me a check for $100.00 which I deposited in my checking account and withdraw $100.00 cash for him. I think Rob wanted him to pay for half the room for the two nights they stayed there. Just a theory.... But those people never have money and Lori has Bobby's bank card and she is in Baltimore for the night to celebrate Tom's father's 80th birthday.

You house sounds so great. You will be regular home restorers when you are finished this project. I can hardly wait till I can come out and see it. I am so happy for all of you.

A lot of moving went on the past few weeks. I still haven't been invited to Marysville to see where Pooh is living. She says she is not mad at me (that's good to know - I don't know why she would be - she just seems distant. Oh well. Probably just my imagination.

I feel so sorry for Kayla. She is such a lost little girl. She has no friends. Her mother took her out of brownies - that was all she talked about on the ride from H'town to Kris'. She misses her friends from her old school - she never gets to see them. Kris never calls and invites her to come over to play with Kassidy on the week-ends, but I guess I understand. Everyone is so upset with Nicole. I don't know what she does and who takes care of Tray when she is not around, which I understand is pretty frequent. The older I get the more "hard" life seems for everyone. Well enjoy your new "games" and I will talk to you again soon. I love you guys and really miss you. I am looking forward to my trip to Austin in two weeks. Wonder if Rip will know who I am. Time will tell.