Friday, August 22, 2008

Off to Down Under

We're off in about 3 hours. We fly to LAX and then we have a 3.5 hour layover there, then our big 12 hour flight to Auckland. We're in row 70 on the Qantas flight, which is a two person row so Jay will get the aisle and I'll get to snuggle up to the window where I hope to sleep for most of the flight.

Our bags are all packed, including one that's just chock full of Jonathan's stuff...10 cans of gatorade powder, 6 cannisters of Crystal Light, batteries and barbecue sauce. That bag will be nice and empty for the return trip! Then there's a second bag that's just full of winter stuff and a third gigantic bag with the rest of our clothes that will hopefully cover all manner of weather.

Jonathan will meet us outside customs at Auckland, or else he'll be in the McDonalds. Either way it will be freakin' early! We're sorry that he has to drive up to pick us up at 5 am, but if we have to be tired, so does he. Especially since he and Jason are scheduled to play soccer that very night, and nobody should have the advantage.

So we'll probably post more when we're actually IN New Zealand, which won't be until Sunday their time - which I think is Saturday for us, but I'm still confused about that whole thing.