Sunday, August 24, 2008

Greetings from Waikato University

Okay, we're in New Zealand. I'll update everybody on the events so far.

Our trip to LA was pretty uneventful, and was in fact one of the smoothest flights I've ever taken. Huzzah for Alaska Airlines. We arrived right on time in LAX and began to seek out the International Terminal.

What a process that was. When we got off the plane in LA, there was absolutely not one sign that pointed the way to the International Terminal and we had to ask no less than 3 people how to get there. Eventually found our way to a parking garage where we had to go down to level 3 and then make our way to this cross walk that was kind of tied in with the parking arms to get into the terminal and still no great signage. Once in, we had to go through security again, but there was only like 2 people ahead of us so it went very quickly. The terminal itself was quite empty with only one small cafe open with premade sandwiches and salads, and one small magazine shop to be had. We spent a little over 3 hours there before boarding the gigantic 747-300 series for our 12 hour flight to Auckland.

We were in the way back, row 70 J&K, which was a two person row. The plane was only about 75% full, so as soon as the plane took off and the seatbelt sign was turned off, there was a mad dash for empty rows and prime laying down space. We weren't fast enough, so were stuck in our little two person seats. After a dinner of chicken cacciatore and salmon, we each watched a movie and then fitfully slept for the next 8-9 hours, had breakfast, and endured pretty horrible turbulance for our last hour into Auckland.

Where it was POURING. Like, really bad. So when Jonathan picked us up we went right away to indoor activities. Sky City for breakfast, and a really quick trip to the casino where I won $9! On to the aquarium, and then to the museum. On the way into the museum, Jason and I both had our umbrellas broken by a huge gust of wind that just snapped the things in half. Right inside the museum door was a large container filled with other broken umbrellas so we deposited ours there with the others.

We finished with the museum around 12:30 or so, and rode back to Hamilton to rest up at Jonathan's house. It took about 1.5 hours to get there, and we got a tour of the place, met Pippa the dog, and deposited our bags in the master bedroom. Rested a bit, and then Jonathan and Jason went to the grocery store and then to play soccer while I took a shower and hung out with Pippa at the house. Bed by 10, and a good night's sleep and we were ready to go the next morning.

Today we have spent all day at Waikato University, where Jonathan teaches. He had to be here to teach a lab for 3 hours today so Jay and I explored the university while Jonathan worked, then we all went to lunch at a little cafe nearby and came back so that Jason can help Jonathan work on a computer issue. I can see the twon of Hamilton from where I'm sitting now, tantalizingly close and yet too far to walk to. The skies are gray but it's actually not that cool out and at least it's not raining.

So that's it so far...we haven't seem much of the country except what we passed through to get from Auckland to Hamilton which was mostly full of sheep. Most of our activities will be scheduled for Wed - Sat, when Jonathan has off completely. I will post more later when we have some better pictures to go with it!