Friday, February 22, 2008


Our closet was a mess. It's a big closet, but filled with junk. Mainly clothes but also boxes with stuff in them that we still hadn't unpacked and shoes and purses and games and more boxes and hats and just all kinds of crap. So I spent the day going through everything and putting together piles for goodwill and piles to throw away, and piles to keep. Then I washed and folded the keep piles and moved everything else out. Unbelievable how many tshirts Jason has, and the sheer number of jeans was astonishing. Wait until he sees how many he has when he gets home. But the closet is much better now and I don't hate going in it quite so much.

After I was done I cooked up a big batch of grilled asparagus tossed with olive oil, kosher salt, grated parmesan and tomatoes. Kelsey and I ate the whole batch - oh my god, so good. And relatively healthy too :-). I'm full now and tired from closet cleaning so I think I'm ready to veg out for a while. Maybe if Jason comes home at a decent time tonight we can watch the Brad Pitt movie about Jesse James that came in the mail today.