Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Cardiac, Schmardiac

Oh my gosh, my new echocardiac class has started and I don't like it at all so far. Our teacher is really new and I think extremely overwhelmed by it all. By the end of the day today it looked like she was ready to cry - and everyone was pretty easy on her as far as questions go, at least compared to how the class usually is. She did an echo exam right in class though and that was pretty cool. She's definitely good at doing the exam because she moved from view to view without any effort whatsoever, while we're still just trying to find the first view and what buttons to push to make the picture better when we do our exams. I just hope it gets better. At least the book and workbook are easy to read and understand so that definitely helps.

We were supposed to have our Physics final tomorrow but it looks like we'll just have part of it now....the teacher that is doing the other part is out on leave because her mom just passed away this week (very sad) so she didn't write her part of the exam and says we'll have it sometime next week. So that's three tests for next week which is a bummer but I was pretty studied up for the Physics part anyway so maybe it won't be so bad.

I got an email from an old friend from Exel today and he told me that one of the guys I used to work with died last fall from a heart attack. I was very sad to hear that, because I always liked him for the most part, and he was really nice to me when we had the fire in the house on Heatherfield. He had a house fire the year before and we compared insurance and reconstruction stories. That's such a shame. Just one more reminder to make the most of your time while you can because you never know how long you have.

Everybody hug your loved ones extra hard tonight.