Sunday, February 17, 2008

How long will it last?

Beaglehaus decided to come alive again, but we're not sure how long it will last. According to the resident computer expert, it either needs a relatively cheap motherboard that we have to order from somewhere special or a complete overhaul of everything with will be very pricy. I'm thinking of moving my stuff to blogger just in case everything goes kablooie and it's all gone.

So, what's been happening? I know you were all as thrilled as we were when a beagle won Westminster. First time in 100 years and well deserved. It's about time something other than a stuck up poodle took the prize.

Good looking dog, but still not as cute as this:

So what else? is going well, very intense but moving right along. Meg is also doing well in school, keeping her grades up, working, and generally becoming more comfortable in Seattle I think. She's already registered for next quarter when she'll take 3 classes instead of 2 so it will start to get harder, but I have no doubt she'll do great.

Kelsey is on mid-winter break right now so she's off all this week and is very happy about it. I think her plans involve a lot of doing nothing.

I have spring break starting March 20, when I am off to Austin to enjoy some warm sunshine and meet my new niece. I am so looking forward to that - and it will be nice to have a whole week when I don't have to be studying! I also have trips booked to Baltimore the first weekend in May for Robert and Kristin's wedding, and then in August back to Harrisburg to visit with the family for a week. Thank you IRS for your generous refund check :-).

Jason was supposed to go snowboarding with his officemates last Friday but his knee has been bothering him so he decided to skip it rather than take a chance on aggravating it further. Which is sad, because he so likes to snowboard and probably won't get another opportunity this year.

That's all I can think of to tell right now. We're in the midst of a gray Seattle winter when hibernation is the order of the day, so we don't have much to talk about other than mundane life stuff. The sun is shining today though so we may actually venture out to Greenlake for a walk with the pups. If we can manage to get dressed.