Sunday, January 13, 2008

We got a new printer and some other stuff

I know, that must not be exciting news to most of you, but it's awesomely good for us. Jason's laser printer (which predates me!) was on its last legs...bravely trying to crank out just one last sheet, even though it had big black stripes running down through the middle of the page, and you couldn't put more than one piece of paper in the paper feeder at a time, and sometimes it would just cough and sputter and print out a word or two before quitting. So with three of us in school now, we knew it was time. We actually got another HP laser printer, just black and white because as much as Jay wanted color I just couldn't justify a need for that. Color is awfully expensive to buy and to maintain because now you're worried about 5 or 6 cartridges instead of just 1, and each cartridge is like 80 bucks. Anyway, he's setting it up now and we'll all four be able to access from our laptops so that will be so cool.

The people next door have moved out. These were the ones that had random people from all different states staying there and blocking our driveway. I saw one of them drive away yesterday in a station wagon packed with stuff, and today there's a big FOR RENT sign in the front yard. I hope whoever stays there next doesn't park in front of our house - we hate that.

Megan spent the weekend at Port Orchard. I guess her new friend's mom lives there so they took the ferry over on Friday night and they're on the way back now. We're going to spend our gift card to Macaroni Grill today for an early dinner, then she wants to be picked up after we're done in West Seattle.

So that's the update, really not too much going on but little things...if I think of something better, I'll post later :-)


nanny joan said...

I don/t use my printer very often but when I do need to print something I am sure glad that I have it. I had to make a copy of my sister's itinerary for Austin and put it in with her birthday card - like I said when I need it I am sure glad that I have it. Also when I need to print boarding passes it is nice to have.

So Meg went on the ferry to Port Orchard. I love the ferry. Who gave you a gift card to M-grill, that was a nice present. I went with Mare to Pam's house for dinner tonight and to watch the first 3 quarters of the football game. Giants/Cowboys. Lori Roy Matt and Bobby as well as Pam and her two girls, benny and Mare and I. It was nice, we had spaghetti/meatballs, salad and italian bread. Mare made some brocoli cheese soup and I baked a cake. So there was plenty to eat. We just got back to H/town - I am going to take a shower and watch that mini series, Camanchi Moon after Amazing race. Hope you guys all have a good and uneventful week. Talk to you all later. Love, Mom