Saturday, January 05, 2008

Routine, interrupted

Well, we are finally back home in Seattle but not yet back to normal. We had a wonderful time visiting with all of our families even though the trip east is exhausting. It's so nice to be able to see everyone at Christmas though, and that makes it worth it.

Meg flew home on the 29th, and is settled into her new room and has started her classes. She's also spent some time job hunting, but no luck on that front yet. It's only been a few days though so we haven't lost hope yet. We're still waiting on her stuff to be delivered though and I don't know where we're going to put anything when it gets here.

Kelsey is not yet settled into her room because she still doesn't have carpet. I called Home Depot when we got home, and apparently they never got the measurements from the measure person who was here on the 18th, so they hadn't done our quote or ordered the carpet. I finally got the quote back from them yesterday, and it was over $400 more than what they had initially estimated it to be. So today we were back out carpet shopping :-(. We found a good sized remnant at Carpet Liquidators that will do nicely, and they can install on Thursday! Hooray, Kelsey will get to go back to her lair by the end of the week, and I can clean up the guest room.

Our dogsitter had a small accident while driving home from the airport in Kelsey's car, and it looks like that's going to cost us $500 to fix. Ouch, another hit to the bank account. Oh, and while we were gone she had to call a locksmith because the dead bolt on the front door broke, so that was $110.

Oh, and when we got home and I got in my car to go to school the next day, my battery was dead. We haven't tried to jump it yet (thank goodness we have the extra car these days), but I'm thinking we'll just need to replace it because that battery is about 9 years old and probably on its last legs anyway. Just another expense to add to the pile :-(

But it's not all gloomy! I took a page from Raellen's book and I worked out dinner menus for the whole month of January and wrote each day's dinner on the calendar. I went grocery shopping on Thursday to restock the fridge and I shopped with the next week in mind and so far it's worked great (okay it's only been three days, but it's still working).

Tomorrow we have to move all the furniture out of Kelsey's room and pull up all of the staples so we're going to take it easy the rest of the afternoon. Jason is going to play on the Xbox, I'm going to read, Kelsey's watching Heroes on DVD and Megan is out with friends. There's a fire going in the fireplace and the beagles are curled up next to me. Sometimes life is good :-)