Thursday, December 13, 2007

No Title

Finals are done, so the first quarter is over. Only three more, and then clinical. We got our schedule for next quarter, and so far it doesn't look too bad, but I fully expect it to change since the fall schedule changed at least three times. As of now, I only have class Monday through Wednesday which would be really cool. I'll be able to keep working on Friday, but I have to figure out when I can go in one other day. Thursday is no good, because with the book shipping schedule I whould have at least a day between the two days I work. Tuesday would be best, but I'll have to see what I can work out there since Monday and Tuesday are 10:00 - 4:00 days for school.

I slept late today but woke up with a headache, so I guess I shouldn't do that anymore. It was just really nice not to have to worry about taking a test or doing a paper today. Grades will be posted Friday and I expect I did fairly well.

Today I plan to tackle the basement and finally devote some time to getting the flood mess sorted out. Jason has made a valiant start, but I'm anxious to really get it finished. Kelsey and I will look for carpet when she gets home from school today. And then one week from tonight, we'll be heading back East for the holidays. There's a lot to do before then. I suppose I should get started.


nanny joan said...

well grades came out today - are we celebrating... the first semester is over already. Boy time sure goes fast, at least it seems that way to me. You never did say how you made out with the adjuster. Will HO cover any of the damages? What is happened with the pooh -I left her a msg but she never calls me back. I offered to help if I could in anyway, but haven't heard anything. We are supposed to get a doozy of a storm sometime this weekened. So they say------I must meet Sue Miller tomorrow morning to get my cell phone - it fell out of my pocket in her car today when we were doing MOWs. Only five more days till you come home. I cannot believe it!! I can't wait to see you guys again.