Sunday, September 09, 2007

Less than successful

Jay and I decided to take the dogs and go do some geocaching today, since it was such a beatiful day outside. We found four caches located within walking distance of the house, so we set out for our first geocaching outing since we got to Seattle.

The first cache we had to skip because there was some guy and his dog hanging around the cache location and we couldn't search very secretly. We headed off to the second one, at the Roosevelt Pea Patch. No luck here either, and it wasn't a great idea to have the beagles in other people's garden patches anyway. So on to the third....

This one was located in the upper level parking lot over Whole Foods. But we still couldn't find it! You would think that a parking lot wouldn't have a lot of places to hide a cache, but we must be way out of practice, because we couldn't locate anything. We met another geocacher here who noticed us searching bushes and asked if we were by chance looking for a cache. We talked to her for a little while about caches in the area, and shared our coordinates for the four we were hunting that day with her. Then we gave up on this one, and decided to head for the fourth.

Well, the geocaching gods definitely were not on our side today, because we couldn't locate this one was somewhere in a big field next to the highway support wall, but we could not find any trace of it, and by now we were getting kind of upset. We never had such a hard time geocaching before, and these were all supposed to be pretty easy! We headed home very dejected. By the time we got back we had been out for over 2 hours, and had walked 3.5 miles, and the dogs were ready for a drink and a lie-down.

We decided to head back to the first one by ourselves, because it's pretty close to the house and we felt we could find it better without the dogs along. HA! We couldn't find that one either, and we really tried. So it was a very less than successful geocaching day. But it was beautiful weather and we enjoyed being outside and seeing more of the neighborhood.


nanny joan said...

3.5 miles!!!!! The dogs must have been exhausted. I did two walks yesterday - half hr each - one to Mare's in the morning and then after dinner at Kris' house last night. I think it is better for me to walk on an empty stomach and in the morning - my hips hurt the whole time I walked with Kris/Kassidy - also my muscles weren't warmed up and my breathing was hard. Oh well.