Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Signing

Today Jason and I had our signing. That's almost the same as closing in PA, except no keys are exchanged, and the seller isn't there. Just the buyers, the title company, and the buyer's real estate agent. We signed and signed and signed, then we handed over a freaking huge check, then we left. Next step is for the Escrow company to file the papers, the county records the deed, and then Monday we get keys. Official time is 9:00 pm, but our agent is going to see if we can't get them sooner.

So, it's almost official - just a few more days and we can start moving boxes! Thanks for the box suggestions everyone gave. I wound up asking at Safeway the other day when I was grocery shopping, and they hooked me up big time. I packed about 8 boxes of books that I'm going to donate to the Seattle Public Library. They have a huge book sale twice a year...and I mean's in an old aircraft hanger, and it's always packed. The neighbor and I are going to drop the boxes off tomorrow. She has a van, and she's going to go through her stuff too.

Kelsey registered for driver's education yesterday. She can go any time now and get her permit. Needless to say, she's very excited. Needless to say, I'm scared to death. Seattle is not a fun place to drive. Or park. I'm sure she'll be fine, but it's hard to think about.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Moving blues

As excited as I am to move into our new house, I just can't seem to get myself motivated to actually do any packing. Geez, I hate to move. I keep looking around thinking, this can be packed, that can be packed....but actually making any effort to do it seems to be beyond me. Maybe if I get some boxes, I'll feel ready. I tried Kris's suggestion and went across the street to the fruit stand, but all of their boxes were wet and soggy so I didn't take any. There's a craigslist posting today that someone has a bunch of free boxes in South Seattle - maybe I should call them.

Okay, people...motivate me.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

American Idol - Seattle

Oh my goodness....what a bizarro collection of freaks that auditioned in Seattle. I did notice that the weirdest people were not actually from Seattle, but simply came here to audition. That does not prevent me from wanting to hide in shame however. Seattle just needs to pull the covers over its head and not go outside for a few days until the embarrassment goes away.

P.S. - someone from work sent me this link in case anyone wants to check out the MySpace pages of some of the more memorable Idol contestants:

Awesome detective work :-)

Monday, January 15, 2007


Umm...yeah. We bought a house.

Can't talk too much about it, I'm still in shock. Closing is the end of January, so there's lots to get done between now and then. If all goes well, we'll get the keys on January 29. Thanks for everyone that sent good thoughts. More later :-)

Friday, January 12, 2007


Wow, is it cold in Seattle. Yesterday I couldn't open the passenger door of Jason's car because it was frozen solid. I had to sit in the backseat. I was also the only one at work yesterday because nobody else could make it in on the icy roads. Whoever it was that told us it doesn't snow in Seattle was totally wrong. Kelsey had another snow day yesterday and a two hour delay this morning. Ick.

Jason is on a deadline this week so he's been working really late hours. Good news from his work though, they're covering his GDC trip to San Francisco in March, so all we need to cover is the airfare for me and Kelsey, and the extra two weekend nights at the hotel. How cool is that? Since that's being covered, we're going to look into some doggie ranch action for the beagles instead of leaving them alone again. The neighbor did a great job, but he'll be in school instead of on vacation so it'll be harder for him to keep to their schedule.

Oh, and we're looking at a house. But I'm not getting my hopes up so I'm not going to post too much about it. Just send us some really good thoughts the next few days please :-)

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Holiday pics

Server has been down for a few days, so I've been unable to update. We're finally home and unpacked, and laundry has been done and things put away, so we're slowly getting back to normal routine.

Our holiday trip was fun, and it was so good to see all of our families again. I'm not going to post much, but I thought it would be nice to share some of our picture memories this time around.