Friday, March 03, 2006


We're getting a visitor tomorrow! The man's mom is coming in from PA for a convention, and will be staying with us a couple of nights. Since she's never been to Seattle, we're going to do the best touristy things. We'll have brunch at the Space Needle, and go to Pike's Place Market. We don't get visitors very often, so we're very excited. At the very least, it's given us an excuse to finish our unpacking (from 7 months ago!) Since we decided to stay here for at least another year instead of buying a house we thought it would be cool if it actually looked like we were living here instead of just traveling through. Also finally got some new pictures posted in the gallery from Christmas and our Mt. St. Helen's trip. I'm still trying to get the Vegas pics up but the server is fighting me. Managed to get about half of them posted before it punked out again.

I'll be spending tomorrow at the Sew Expo in Pyallaup. I'm taking a class on machine quilting and something called "It's not a quilt until it's quilted." Truer words were never spoken.